Monday, November 09, 2009

Here she is! Kahlia was born Friday, November 6, 2009 at 1:17 pm weighing in at 6lb 3 ox and 19 1/2 inches long. She arrived by C-section to Andi with Great Grandma in attendance.

Another view, sitting on Great Grandma's lap. That hospital bracelet, Gaa Gaa is wearing means that she is allowed to visit and take the baby from the nursery. Look at all that hair!

A close up of a pretty face.

A delighted big brother.

When no one was looking, he whispered in her ear: "Now don't you worry, I'll take care of you."

Check out these two photos. Not the best photography, but the first one is Kahlil born three years ago. The second is Kahlia, born Friday.


  1. Beautiful Beautiful baby. And you can see, from the two separate pictures, Kahlil holding Kahlia and the one of her above it, that they really REALLy look so much alike.

    Congratulations to the family!

  2. Sooooooo precious! Congratulations to whole family.

    Margaret (aka Solaris on KR)

  3. Oh my gosh! She is beautiful, and I love the big brother promising to take care of her. How sweet!

  4. Been thinking of you,Fran.Just can't write to you.Hope and pray you're doing alright as much as possible.

  5. Anonymous8:58 PM

    So cute...... I miss my baby.

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  6. Me too, I always miss my baby Everywhere I go...Great Pictures!!!

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  7. WOW!!! the baby so cute. I hope someday I have that one..

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  8. What cute little angel..I really miss my little angel too..

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  9. naww :)
